Now that all my friends are coupled the phrases I tend to hear are - 'the right one is out there, just keep looking', 'do what interests you and you will attract the right one', or the best one of all 'it will happen when you aren't looking' (we won't discuss this one).
Don't get me wrong, this is not an 'anti' relationship rant. Its more about how society as a whole places so much emphasis on being 'coupled'. It's as if we are not born complete and we need to find our halves. But what if I was born whole...then what? Where do I fit in? Or perhaps I wasn't born whole, but my life's struggles allowed me to grow and learn how to be what? Do I no longer have a place in our society because I don't need another being to make me a whole person?
My ultimate objective is to find someone who helps me grow and/or reminds me to always be my best. Truth is, everyone has his or her own best interests at heart. No matter how genuine, kindhearted or caring a person is, they are going to be more aware of their needs than mine. All I am saying is that others don't realize what I need unless I tell them. That's how it works. Which means I need to know me and not rely on someone else to complete me. So having said that logically am I not "the one"?