When you stop doing something you love other things in your life start to wither and die. You can still enjoy life and be happy, but being able to do something that is a true passion to you is like a free drug. There is nothing more exhilarating than partaking in that passion.
Throughout my journey I have rediscovered old passions - like photography - and discovered new passions - like writing and martial arts. As I sit here with pencil to paper I contemplate how my 'true' passions are all connected.
Prior to yesterday the last time I went on a photo shoot was in February! Now I have taken many pictures in between, but being out with others who enjoy the art is a different experience. Over the months that passed my camera lay on the shelf collecting dust. As my camera collected dust I found my passion for writing starting to 'wither' as well.
And how is all this connected you might wonder....well perhaps you wouldn't wonder, but I certainly wondered. I don't really know other than going out on my photo crawl resurrected my creative juices and next thing you know I am back!
To be honest I have been thinking about taking up writing again for some time, but yesterday was the little push that I needed. I have been walking along a fence for several months now. I have been balancing my sense of self with my children's grief. I have been balancing my needs with the needs of others...it was only a matter of time before I toppled over the edge.
Actually I never really toppled, I sort of JUMPED! For what ever reason I chose the "left" side of the fence rather than the "right" side. I don't believe that either side was any better, just different, but I know that the side I jumped to was the RIGHT side...
Because the side I chose was ME!
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