Tuesday, 11 October 2011

I'm Batman!

I get that not everyone understands why I do the things I do. Hell, a lot of the time I don't even understand why I do the things I do...but when you do something that you are proud of, only to have someone you care about criticize you for doing it, it hurts. And it hurts badly.

Many people have expressed their concerns regarding my blogs. They say that they "get why I am writing" and they "hope it is helping" but they feel that it is not appropriate. When faced with these conversations I am always at a loss for words. What do you say? I have always been a very open and forthcoming person and the things I write in my blogs are things I would tell anyone face to face.

Sometimes I wonder if these people are afraid that they will end up in one of my blogs. Truth is - they probably will. I have written something about EVERYONE I know...bet you didn't see that coming did you. Most of you don't even know that I am writing about you - do you?

The thing is - while my emotions and events are very real - the people are often a combination of several people. Different attributes from many people all combined into 1 "friend". The other way I try to 'mitigate the risk' (for my co-workers) is to focus on the positive characteristics of everyone in my life. We all have negative traits, myself included, but I see no advantage to dwelling on the negative.
I guess what I am trying to say is you are not going to end up in my blog because you were mean to me or because you did something silly at lunch - you are going to end up in my blog for the support you have given me, the traits I admire and the love I feel for you.

I just want you all to know that aside from being proud of something I have written and the potential of making someone else smile, I have started to notice other changes as a result of my writing. Having a venue in which to be flamboyant, dramatic and over the top has truly helped me remain grounded in many day to day situations. When I am not writing for a stretch of time I find myself over reacting to silly things.

Another benefit I have noticed is that my writing has forced me to slow down and observe life. How many of you drive the same route to work everyday and thank God your car knows how to get there because you don't remember driving there? When I am writing I need things to write about, and I get a lot of my ideas from observing. Taking the time to notice the scenery on the drive to work and the people in line at Timmy's is something I recommend to everyone.

We only get one chance at this life, make the best of it. Time passes far too quickly as it is - slow down and enjoy!


1 comment:

  1. Please do not stop writing. You have a gift... thanks for sharing it!
