Tuesday, 15 November 2011

Everything Happens for a Reason

I sometimes wonder if my ex-husband had not left me would I have ever started to learn all the things I have learned about myself and life over the last year? I like to think that I would have, but not as quickly. I know that before the crap hit the proverbial fan I was already starting to change, but it was at a very slow pace and I was constantly questioning my reasons for change.

Which I now find very strange. As I sit here and write I feel that I am not changing fast enough. I feel that I take 1 step forward and 4 steps back. At this rate I will never make it to the top of the mountain.

In all honesty I am exaggerating. I think in reality I am progressing 2-4 steps forward and 1 step back - but regardless I feel that I have hit a plateau. Hitting a plateau is normal - everyone needs to rest once in a while because climbing a mountain is exhausting!

I have hit several plateaus throughout my journey, but this one is different because I can see the top of the mountain so clearly from where I stand! The other plateaus were so far down that mountain that I felt I would never reach the top.

So here is my dilemma, I feel like I have been climbing for 16 hours, but I only have 6 more to go. Do a pitch a tent and rest for a while? Or do I keep on trekking on my journey? Logically I know the smart thing to do is to sleep, but the kid in me keeps saying "just keep climbing". But then reality steps in and says "it may only be 6 more hours but this is the steepest part of the journey and there are no paths to follow, you need to climb the face of the mountain".

So, I have pitched my tent on the trail and wait to continue my journey. I guess this is why "Patience is a virtue" and "Good things come to those who wait". Once I am well rested I will begin my journey again.



  1. Seeing the end of a journey is always enlightening to the spirit. As at the end of a good book though it leaves you with the feeling the journey has not ended. As paths through life we choose which ones to follow, some to the end some not. All journeys start with a step. Why not a pause along the way. life is exciting. Stop and enjoy the distance you already traveled before it falls out of sight.
