Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Take Me to Your Leader

They say that to err is human. Well I finally have proof that I am 100% human!

I like to consider myself to be open minded, non-judgmental and not materialistic. Yes, I know, there are exceptions to every rule, but on a whole I believe that I treat everyone equally and fairly.

Some recent experiences made me give thought to a judgement I made some time ago. I had met this gentleman a few times. I remember him telling me about his 1 bedroom apartment in the east end of the city and how he slept on the couch when his kids visited.

I remember thinking to myself as he was telling me about his run down apartment in this seedy area - 'oh man, I am not really sure I want a relationship with someone who doesn't make at least close to what I make'. Some of you make think "shame on me" and others may think "if you are going to marry again make sure it's for money". My error in judgement was focusing on where he was living and not WHY he was living there.
Photo taken by my eldest child
This man was recently separated. He was not only supporting his children, but also his wife. Rather then investing his money in a house he chose to rent an inexpensive apartment so he could ensure that his family was taken care of and was saving to move after the divorce and marital home had been sold. Did I feel like an ass. 

Family is the most important thing to me. This experience has made it clear to me that I need to associate with more of these types of men and not the ones who flash the cash, own the big houses and fancy cars - you know the ones who are putting "their" needs before those of their family.

In a society where so many items are "expected" and having the "latest and greatest" has become the "norm" I think that we all need to stop and think about what is most important to us - is it the nice house in a fancy neighbourhood or is it your children?


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