Me personally, I have never said this OR thought this about a friend or a frenemy for that matter. So why do I continue to say things like this to myself? Why is it that I treat others far better than I treat myself?

I am repeating this paragraph because it was a HUGE eye opener for me. It was truly one of those "a-ha" light bulb moments. It is clear to me that I NEED to start talking to myself the way I would talk to a friend, or better yet the way I would speak to a stranger.
We tend to be kinder and more accepting of strangers that we do of family and friends. Perhaps since I am just 'learning' about me it would be a good idea to treat myself as an "unknown person" or a "stranger" and forgive myself for my shortcomings. Accept me for who I am and focus on all the positive aspects rather than looking for the slightest flaw and magnifying it 1000 times.
During my many exercises of removing negativity from my environment I never stopped and looked inside of myself. I can't kick myself out of my own life, but I can remove negative thoughts from my mind. Negative thoughts are unproductive, unhelpful and not useful at all.
I shall replace these thoughts and attitudes with useful, helpful and productive thoughts and actions.
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