Tuesday, 15 May 2012

Jane Doe

I have always considered myself to be an average person. A little bit quirky with a dash of the eclectic, but for the most part average.

Being an average person I often assume that if I can do it so can anyone else. There is a flaw in my logic. Just because I can do it does not mean that everyone can or that everyone wants to. In fact I am learning that all of my coping skills, my ability to look at things in a different light and my methodical thinking are actually personality traits unique to me and 10% of the female population.

As I delve deeper into my own self awareness I pause to appreciate how far I have actually traveled. I have overcome many obstacles. Conquered many fears. Wrestled with so many self doubts. Although I have cried my way through too many dark and lonely nights, I am so proud of all I have done and where I am now.

Yes, I have had help along the way, but not all obstacles can be moved on your own, sometimes it takes several people to help you see the way. Ultimately however, it was my own strength and courage that got me out of bed each day and in the end it is my decision to work on making ME a better person.
Someone told me that the true definition of insanity is "doing the same thing over and over but expecting different results". Sounds simple doesn't it - well it's not!

This is the reason I need to change. I am tired of the same results. Again, if I were not working on ME I would bitch and complain about it. Now that I am on a journey of self awareness this is no longer logical to me. Logically I have 2 choices - accept it for what it is, or change it. I don't want to accept it and I can't change anyone but me - so change I must!

I think I have been doing this for some time now, but was not "aware" that I was actually doing this. Now I understand why I am always so emotionally exhausted and so tired. So rather than trying to "blindly" change I am going to do what I do best. I am going to methodically and logically plot out my next steps. Then I am going to create a short term goal and a long term plan for myself.

Over the last 2 years I have been working on the Business Case - now it is time to start work on the project. See you at the kick-off meeting!


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