Stitch, AKA experiment 626 is created for the sole purpose of mass destruction. He is 99% bad! He is not happy unless there is mayhem and chaos! He is an abomination! Now, I am not relating to this part of Stitch (although I have been told by many that I am a very scary person) but I can relate to Stitch when he meets Lilo. After meeting Lilo, Stitch learns to love and all he really wants is to belong - basically to be part of an Ohana (a family).
I think I can relate to Stitch so much because he really does try to change and fit in with the people of Hawaii, but as he tries to change himself he only makes things worse. Lately I too have been trying to change myself to "fit in" and as a result I have only made things worse. I have been listening to the random opinion of others rather than my inner voice. Like Stitch, I just want to "belong" and be "accepted" and although I thought I did everything I was "supposed to" I only ended up making things worse. Like Stitch I was left feeling LOST AND ALONE!
It took me some time, but I did find my way. I know who I am! I am not perfect, but I am a fabulous person in so many ways. Those who don't want to take the time to get to know me or understand me honestly don't deserve a place in my life - not even a "bit part"!
The thing I am realizing is that life is too short to worry about "how" other people may or may not see me. What matters is how I treat others and how I treat myself.
I can only change so much of myself. There are core pieces of myself that cannot ever be changed. These are the traits that make me who I am. These are the qualities that make me the unique, lovable, enjoyable to be around and insane all rolled into one cute package! If I change my "core" traits I am not longer me!
I can't change who I am. I am what I am. You either want to spend time with me or you don't. I am choosing not to spend any more time or energy trying to be accepted by those who cannot accept me the way I am.
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