Monday, 4 February 2013

Would You Like Whipped Cream On That?

The other day I mentioned to someone that it was time to get back into the dating scene. They innocently asked "Is that what you want to do? It sounds like you are dreading it." They were right - I am dreading it!

So why am I doing it? For the record I have not done anything yet - which perhaps goes to the saying 'actions speak louder than words'. Here's the thing - I am happy right now. No, correction, I am very happy with my life right now!

What's that you say? You are absolutely correct! The BEST time to start dating is when you are happy. When I am not happy with my life I know I come off as 'desperate' and then I raise all kinds of 'red flags'. So why have I not done anything yet? Well - for the most part it's because of my dear friend "FEAR".

I am afraid of the heaps of rejections, the same faces from 2 years ago and the endless comments of "don't contact me unless you are 5'8", blonde and athletic". Really? And yes, I went online the other day and 5 of the 10 profiles I read said this - I kid you not!

Which makes me wonder what ever happened to "looking for a nice girl to spend time with"? Although I am very happy with my life right now I would appreciate having someone to share it with. Someone who can laugh at my quirkiness and bad jokes. Someone to just hang out and "chill" with.

I have been told by many people (male and female) that my problem is that I am too picky. I really don't believe I am. I don't go around looking for a specific "type" (although I know I have one). I don't choose based on "how much" a man makes. I don't go for a man who "buys" me things over one who doesn't. A non-smoker with teeth and a job is all I ask for - is that really picky? 

I have heard the "cup" analogy from several different people over the last year. The cup analogy is simply - in any relationship think of each person as a cup of water. In a healthy relationship both cups are full of water and the water is shared between the 2 cups when one starts to get low. In an unhealthy relationship one cup is always filling up the other cup.

I would like to put my own spin on this analogy. I am a full cup of hot chocolate (yes read between the lines - hot, sweet, nice and comforting). I am GREAT on my own - but I would be even better with whipped cream. But you know what - for me it doesn't HAVE to be whipped cream, it could be sprinkles, Bailey's, a peppermint stick or whipped cream AND a cherry on top! The possibilities are endless!

I guess the point I am trying to make is if I were only looking for whipped cream then you could say I was too picky. I believe if you are only looking for whipped cream you are bound to be disappointed - especially if you are a pint of beer - because if you ever find some whipped cream I am pretty sure it does not go well with beer!


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