Monday, 10 June 2013

Kill the DJ

DISCLAIMER: I am certain that karma is going to bite me in the butt for the title of this post, but I could NOT RESIST using this Green Day song!

Everything happens for a reason. I don't repeat these words to "try" to believe them. I repeat these words because I believe them. Let me tell you a random story...the other day I felt "compelled" to make a road trip to Chapters. I didn't need anything I just wanted to go there. As I wandered the store Child #2 browsed the young adult books.

While I was patiently waiting, I had no interest in browsing, I pondered what I thought was living in the moment. Recently I had been spending time with someone and was having a lot of fun breaking the "rules", enjoying life, but I had quickly become tired with the "lack of structure" and "no time line" philosophy. I was starting to think that perhaps the whole "living in the now" concept was not for me.

In an attempt to stop thinking - something I have been consciously doing - I wandered over to the Sci-Fi books to look for something Doctor Who. On the shelf, right beside a new Doctor Who book, was a book called Emotional Vampire by Albert J. Berstein PH.D. This book was clearly a self-help book and not a Sci-Fi book. As my brain processed the title, which was intriguing, my hands quickly grabbed the book off the shelf.

The book fell open on a page titled the Antisocial Emotional Vampire Check List. I quickly scanned the check list and was startled to discover that this described the "new" person in my life that has been causing me so much drama and emotional grief! Devouring the book in a matter of days I learnt that emotional vampires are exactly like the mythical kind only they drain the life from you by taking your emotions instead of your blood.

I have obviously lead a very sheltered life as I have never come across an emotional vampire until now - or so I thought. After researching this phenomenon many things started making sense to me. No wonder my gut didn't tell me to run - I was hypnotised - vampires prey on the weak instinctively. In order to protect oneself from an emotional vampire you need to THINK not FEEL - and thinking was something I had CHOSEN to stop doing!

Once I started thinking again I was able to see clearly! The Antisocial Emotional Vampire is always seeking a good time, immediate gratification, they love being around people and have a desire to be the centre of attention. They have a hard time making any sort of commitment, frequently change jobs and are easily bored. WOW! Not only was I associating with an antisocial vampire but had been introduced to an entire nest of them! A quick inventory of my 'past history' with men revealed I had come across some other types of vampires as well during my travels!

Fortunately this book told me how to drive a stake through the vampire's heart...but I have chosen to learn from this vampire first. I believe that this encounter is FOR ME, not about helping anyone. I believe there are many lessons here for me to learn. I just need to protect myself...time to get some garlic and crosses.


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