Lately I have happened across several articles about adding 'texting words' to the dictionary. This in and of itself does not bother me; I understand the logic behind texting words - lol, brb, lmao. TBH I don't mind texting words, they are fast, efficient and serve a purpose when used for texting.
This rant is more about some current sayings as opposed to words themselves. There are some sayings out there that set my teeth on edge even more than poor grammar. A few years ago 'it is what it is' was introduced to society. I do not know the "origination" of the phrase; however I did read an article about how it was meant to help people accept and embrace changes in their organizations. Somewhere along the way it took a wrong turn. Now the saying comes off as 'tough titties, suck it up buttercup, quit your whining, there is nothing you can do, this is a dictatorship'. Not a positive message at all.
Another phrase, which is also a texting word, YOLO, has veered down that negative path as well. You only live once was meant as a positive statement to 'stop and smell the roses', or to get your nose out of your 'smart phone' and open your eyes! Unfortunately the vast majority of people use it as an excuse to spend beyond their means, participate in reckless activities, justify their self-centred behaviours and forget about simple common place everyday manners.
We already live in an "I want it NOW" society and YOLO has become just another phrase to justify that mentality. I understand, similar to grammar, I can't make anyone use phrases properly. Sometimes you just need to grin and bear it (or is it grin and bare it LOL). Let's face it the English language is confusing enough without adding 'trendy' expressions and anagrams. I mean why is it called 'gas mileage' when it is calculated in litres per kilometre?
The saying that bothers me the most is 'no problem'. What has happened to the words 'you are welcome'? Did they get removed from the dictionary to make room for YOLO? Were too many people confused with your and you're? I don't know about you but when you ask me to do something that goes above and beyond it IS a problem and I most certainly want to you know that I ONLY did it because I quazi-liked you, or it was part of my job, in which case you are still welcome!
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