Sunday, 24 April 2016

Torch Song

Have you ever enjoyed a song so much that you were inclined to listen to it non-stop without getting sick of hearing it? Music is so subjective and can evoke emotional responses in people. This is one of the many reasons I like music so much. There are so many pieces of a song to enjoy. The lyrics, chorus, melody, and so on.

At times you can get so wrapped up in the song that you forget everything. Life stops and you are just suspended in time, hearing the music, listening to the words. A far less enjoyable experience can happen when you get stuck on an issue.

So much time can be spent hanging in limbo. Not moving forwards or backwards. Stuck. The nagging issue plays over and over in your head. Unlike a song, there is no enjoyable melody or meaningful lyrics. Just the constant beat of frustration. You know the answer is there somewhere. You just can't hear it for all the noise. You are so caught up in the issue it is hard to see anything else.

Often the best solution is to stop. Stop analyzing. Stop worrying. Stop fearing. Stop listening to that same song. It's one of the hardest things to do. To stop everything and TRUST that things will work out alright. Oddly enough as soon as you do stop and trust in yourself the answer appears.

Sometimes the answer is that you can never overcome the issue. All you can do is live the best life you can live without it and try your best to not let the issue rule your life. Remembering that life is not about the destination, it's about the journey.

I do know that how we deal with these challenges is what defines us. I am not perfect. I sometimes run and hide from the challenges that life brings my way. I tend to get lost and lose my way. I also know that I am getting better at finding my way when I get lost. I am learning to take corrective action when things 'feel' wrong for me, even if I don't know what this issue is. I am starting to trust myself and not put as much stock in what others tell me.

"Leave me, leave me to grieve."~AFI


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