Monday, 24 February 2014

Never Say Never

I can't believe that I am actually writing a blog about writing a blog! I never would have thought that doing what I love doing would cause me so much anxiety.

A while ago I wrote about being approached to blog on specific topics. While the concept was intriguing, I felt that I would not be able to convey my creativity when specific 'topics' were the focus of my writing.

You would think that I would know better by now. Not only am I blogging about specific topics but I am blogging for work! In a million years I would never have guessed that I would be applying my creative talents towards work tasks.

Talk about anxiety!!!! You try putting a personal "spin" on work related facts and submitting your own personal style of writing to be approved by VPs. Then if approved - to share with EVERYONE you work me, it's pretty nerve wrecking. My anxiety doesn't stem from the content - it is far more personal - it is your basic 'what if no one likes it' fear.

The fear of not being good enough or accepted in this avenue is huge. When I write my own blogs, they are my own - it is 100% my own opinion. It doesn't matter to me what other people think - as long as I like it. When it is work stuff, well that's quite a different matter.

Not only are there 'factual' issues, 'sensitivity' issues, 'political' issues, and 'misinterpretation' issues to consider but there is also the whole aspect of 'everyone' putting in their 2 cents. I can deal with all of the above what I am afraid of is criticism regarding my writing style. I cannot change "how" I write.

As usual, I am so much calmer now that I have penned my concerns. Only time will tell the outcome of my work blogs. Stay tuned...


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