Sunday, 18 September 2011

Say Cheese!

Life is about making memories. They may be good, bad or ugly, but nonetheless they are your memories.

Children have a unique ability to remember how an event made them feel rather than the actual event itself. One of my fondest childhood memories is picking raspberries with my cousin at her cottage. I remember spending hours in the bushes putting the raspberries in my Montreal Expos hat and all of us eating more raspberries than we ever took back to the cottage.

If you were to ask me when this was my answer would be every summer - all summer until I moved to Southern Ontario. In reality it was 1 day out of one visit 1 summer. Even more surprising to me is the fact that my cousin NEVER liked raspberries.
I guess the point that I am trying to make here is that its not about how much you have, how much you spend or how much you do that creates a lasting memory - it's about how you feel and how you make those around you feel that makes something memorable.

Having returned from our family vacation I asked my kids what was the best part of the vacation. The answer was a resounding "Harry Potter World". When I asked 'why?' my youngest said "because it made you so happy Mommy."


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