Thursday, 28 July 2011

It's A Jungle Out There

I wonder how much truth there is to the animal phrases we use as part of the english language. "I'm as hungry as a bear" - are bears really that hungry? "He's as stubborn as a mule" - you know I have yet to meet a mule that I didn't like.

Cats and dogs are animals that I observe the most. I admit it. I used to act like a dog. I was running around in circles, chasing my tail, and doing tricks to get my ex-husband to love me. There is absolutely NOTHING WRONG with being a dog unless you are a totally different animal...which I believe I am.

Once upon a time I would have referred to myself as a crocodile. I laid my eggs and left my babies to hatch and raise themselves. Today I would call myself a grizzly bear - you come between me and my cubs and you will lose the battle that will ensue.

I think I would describe my "work self" as a raven. I have a scary outer appearance, people are afraid to approach me, and the sight of me instills fear in some - but deep down inside I am intelligent, really curious and like "shiny" things.

Again, depending on the situation, I believe each of us has the characteristics of different animals within. In my personal life, when I meet my responsible, honest and loving partner, I will make sure that I do not become a dog again. Change is good, but in moderation. When you change too much of yourself to make someone else happy you only make yourself unhappy.

So what animal do I think I am? I'm not sure. I like the "ideal" of a cat - they don't go around trying to get everyone to love them. They pick and choose "when" they want love and "who" they want love from. A cat does not change for anyone - you either love them for who they are or you leave them. I know that I am NOT a solitary animal, I prefer "packs" and I would never be happy behaving like a cat all the time.

Perhaps I need to become a mixed breed. A catdog or a dogcat - a nice mix of both - I think that some compromise is important, but that compromise needs to be a 2-way street. If it's not, I will "swat" at you and walk away with my tail held high - just like a cat!


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